Stocking Your Vape Store with Wholesale Vape Mods and Much More

May 23rd 2018

For many people in the business world, the success of the vaping industry has been too good of an opportunity to pass up, which has led to an increase in the amount of vape shops that can be found in any town in the United States. Because of the popularity of this market, and with forecasts showing strong growth in the industry for the next decade, it is more important than ever before to ensure that your shop and it’s inventory has a full stock of the most popular items available for your customers.

Stocking – The Basics
The most important thing to remember about your store’s inventory is that if you don’t have it in stock, then you will not make the sale. The world of vaping has become very competitive, and vapers know what is available, and they usually know what they are looking for when they walk into a vape shop. To keep your shop up to date with the most viable products and accessories so that you are ready for the experienced and inexperienced vaper, you need to be sure to provide a wide range of items that will keep your customers coming back for more and bring others to your door.

Stocking Vape Models
The most important thing your store stock should contain is a good variety of vaporizer models, or “vape mods.” Vape mods come in two main types: regulated mods and mechanical mods. As a storeowner, you will want to provide both options for your customers to ensure that you carry the mod that they prefer. Mods come packaged with standard tools that the user will need in order to use the item. These kits can be found in a variety of styles, designs, and colors to appeal to the needs, tastes and style of every customer. With the purchase of wholesale vape mods and accessories from one supplier, you can push your store inventory to the next level by being able to provide the devices as well as the juices and accessories for your customers.

The team at Kingdom Vapor specializes in helping shop owners select the right wholesale vape mods for their inventory, and we will be happy to walk you through all the available options to help you supply the most desired vape mod kits for your store’s inventory.

Stocking Vape Supplies and Accessories
With a vast amount of flavors, supplies, and accessories, it is essential to know what your store will need in order to be kept fully stocked with a large variety of items. When it comes to choosing inventory for your vape shop, you will have to decide which options you want to provide to your customers.

Supplies are going to be the second most critical type of inventory in your stock. If your customer can buy a vape mod from you but not the e-juice flavors or accessories that they want then, most likely, they will not become a repeat customer. By making sure that you have options available for your customers, you will become their primary source for their favorite juices and accessories. At Kingdom Vapor, we’ve got everything you might need to keep your customers happy and we’re here to help you choose the best options for you!

Knowing and Understanding Your Stock
One of the most important things that you can do as a shop owner is learning and understanding the use of each item in your inventory. It will do you and your store no benefit to have customers coming in to ask questions about getting started and what to try if you do not fully understand the products you are trying to sell to them. Only by your knowledge of the products you supply are you able to connect with your customers and help them find the vaping expertise and experience they desire.

Learning and Listening to Your Customers
The last thing that you must learn about your inventory is that it is important to learn and listen to your customers. Once you have an established client base, you need to listen to what they are using and be able to suggest other products that might complement that. You must also be able to provide them with the latest flavors and newest vape mods to keep their vaping experience current with the trends in the industry.

By being a reliable source of suggestions and knowledge for your customers and always being able to provide them with the best products available in the vaping world, you will gain a reliable customer base that will come to you for all their vaping needs.

Ready to Stock?
If you are prepared to learn more about stocking your shop with wholesale vape mods, supplies and accessories, contact us today, and our team will be more than happy to help you choose the best inventory for your vape shop.